Getting started

So you want to quit sugar, or in the very least reduce what you're eating. Here are some great videos, books, links to sink your teeth into.

Things to remember:
  • The World Health Organisation recommend roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day. 
  • One teaspoon is approx. 4 grams.
  • Choose foods with less than 4gm sugar per 100gm
  • Water is your friend. If you're feeling hungry, try a cold glass of water first.

Watch Fed Up. 80% of food items in the US have sugar in them - 80%! This doco shook me up when I first saw it in 2014 and led me to go 10 days sugarfree.

Watch Sugar: the bitter truth - a 90min presentation from Dr Robert H. Lustig.

Read Sweet Poison by David Gillespie, and also The Sweet Poison Quit Plan.

David Gillespie also has a subscription based website - with a couple of freebies like this super handy two week quit plan.

Eve O. Schaub's Year of No Sugar blog and book are fantastic

This two pager about the sugar in fruits and berries is great. As is the one on vegetables. Both of these documents are from the NZSugarFree website, which has a lot of great resources, hints and tips.

Watch/Read That Sugar Film and That Sugar Book - Damon Gameau spent 60 days eating 40 teaspoons of sugar a day (matching what the average Australian eats per day) - with the proviso that these sugars were hidden sugars found commonly perceived healthy food.

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