Tuesday, January 19, 2016


started my sugar free journey in May 2015. This was after seeing That Sugar Film. After close on three months I started re-introducing sugar into my diet. This was in preparation of going on holiday to America as I wanted to eat what I wanted without massive sugar crashes.

That holiday was 20 September – 7 October 2015.

From that point on it’s fair to say I left the ‘no sugar’ stance I had passionately taken far behind. I overindulged in everything. I couldn’t just have one chocolate, I had to have three. Gummy lollies? Give me the whole damn bag.

Now, close to the end of the first month of 2016 I AM BACK BITCHES. Today is day four without sugar. I realised this morning I am bloated, clothes are fitting funny and I’m at the weight I was before stopping sugar, not ideal. 

Since New Year’s I have only had two alcoholic drinks. One beer (Asahi) on 9 January and then again on 15 January. That is somewhat of a record for me of late. Interestingly enough I just haven’t felt like drinking. 15 January was also the last day I had sugar. So today marks


So my goals right now, aside from losing the bloat and a bit of weight, is really just feeling better about myself…  I feel like I’m heading in the right direction at the moment. I have the support of Captain Romance and some dresses I want to fit into again!

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