Monday, June 29, 2015

Whittakers Jelly Tip chocolate a.k.a. the chocolate that may be the death of me

"Amaging." Thats how one friend described the newest Whittakers flavour on the block. Apparently it was so good she had to make up a word.

The Jelly Tip Block is Whittaker's take on a kiwi classic, the jelly tip ice cream. It has a milk chocolate bottom, white chocolate top and sides and a jelly centre. Of course a classic jelly tip experience would have some of the chocolate crumbling to the ground.

Now, I am partial to chocolate, I love trying new things and Whittakers are (in my view) one of the best chocolate makers on the planet but (and of course there has to be a but) OH MY GOD THE SUGAR!!

There is 12.9 grams of sugar per serving (just over 3tsps), a serving is 25 grams (THAT'S HALF SUGAR!) And a serving size (get this) is literally one row - 4 measly squares.

I have tried it - two squares in fact (so a teaspoon and a half of sugar) and it definitely lives up to the hype. It took an inordinate amount of willpower now to eat more.

This is definitely a 'treat' and one I may have to avoid to stop from eating an entire block!

UPDATE: I've had another 3 squares. argghhhhh.

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