Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Eats - 28/02/17 day 5

Breakfast: oats with frozen berries 
Lunch: bacon and poached eggs on crusty bread
Dinner: sausages and green salad

Marmite sandwich 
2 carrots 
4 parbaked garlic rolls

3L water

The plan...

So I was thinking today what is my plan... how long am I going to avoid the sweet stuff?

The goal is to ease Baby H's gassy tummy (& mine) so I've decided on 30 days. March 25th.

30 days avoiding biscuits, chocolate, Coke Zero, cake - all the sugary stuff I LOVE. The dairy free me will be ongoing I think. I definitely feel better without it.

I'm going to be easy on myself with sugar in food such as marmite and dressings (where sugar is less than 1gram).

Additionally I'm also going to eat foods with dextrose (as it doesn't contain fructose), as long as the overall sugar is less than a teaspoon (approx 4grams).

(Great blog piece explaining using dextrose: https://eveschaub.com/tag/david-gillespie/)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Eats - 27/02/17

Day 4! I feel like I've lost a day... I honestly thought I was on day 3. Awesome! 

And another awesome is that I discovered KFC is really low in sugar. Hello new snack option!

Breakfast: porridge with frozen berries
Lunch: marmite sandwich, boiled egg
Dinner: 2.5 bread rolls with pulled pork and salad

2 Carrots
Marmite sandwich 
Crackers and pate
KFC chicken (2 pieces)

2.1L water
Gin and diet tonic

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Eats - 26/02/17

Rubbish nights sleep. Well I think it was. Everything is so hazy. Baby H prefers to sleep on me so that's what happens, during the day and night. Fingers crossed for a better sleep tonight.

Today I'm missing Coke Zero. Could really do with a can of that. Maybe it's time to re-introduce coffee into my diet?!

Breakfast: dairy free scrambled eggs, homemade bacon, piece of toast, mini piklets with peanut butter
Lunch: boiled egg, peanut butter sandwich, handful of grapes
Dinner: BBQ pork with green salad

3 carrots
Crackers and hummus 
1x nectarine 
Peanut butter sandwich 

1.5L water
1L soda water

Peanut butter pikelets. Yummy!

Eats - 25/02/2017

Snacktastic. Day 2 sugar free saw me reaching for a lot of snacks. I was so hungry today. Found an interesting pork snack at the supermarket - Mr Porky crackles. It had added dextrose, however the overall sugar content was super low (less than 1gram).

Overall mood: lethargic and tired (doesn't help I'm feeding a 5week old every few hours!)

Breakfast: 6 (small) diary free pancakes with 1.5tsp maple syrup 
Lunch: slice of leftover pizza, peanut butter sandwich
Dinner: gluten free crumbed fish with salad (2 tsp dressing, minimal sugar added)

4 carrots
4x Crackers with hummus
Pork crackles 
10x Grapes
4 slices of salami
7 crackers with pate 
2 bier sticks 

Glass of Chardonnay 
1.5L water
Glass of Pinot Noir

Friday, February 24, 2017

Eats - 24/02/17

Breakfast: Oats with frozen berries
Lunch: Two carrots and two peanut butter sandwiches 
Dinner: Pizza - pesto, ham, mushrooms, goat feta, artichokes 

5 crackers 
3 yellow flesh nectarines 
Boiled egg

2L water
Glass of Pinot Noir

Love love love summer fruit!!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sugar fiend

For over a year now I have been saying I need to reduce my sugar intake. Again.

But there's always an excuse not to. 

In 2016 it was pregnancy cravings. And in the almost 3 months of 2017 it's 'I'm breastfeeding' and sleep deprivation.

But here's the thing. I feel gross. I have a lot of gas and my baby is suffering from uncomfortable gas too. The unhealthiness of my diet is adding to the tiredness of being woken by my baby. I'm sick of reaching for the closest biscuit or block of chocolate - why we have so much crap in the house I don't know why!

This weekend I'm meal planning and snack prepping. I'm going to go diary free and limit my sugar. 

Wish me luck!