Sunday, February 26, 2017

Eats - 26/02/17

Rubbish nights sleep. Well I think it was. Everything is so hazy. Baby H prefers to sleep on me so that's what happens, during the day and night. Fingers crossed for a better sleep tonight.

Today I'm missing Coke Zero. Could really do with a can of that. Maybe it's time to re-introduce coffee into my diet?!

Breakfast: dairy free scrambled eggs, homemade bacon, piece of toast, mini piklets with peanut butter
Lunch: boiled egg, peanut butter sandwich, handful of grapes
Dinner: BBQ pork with green salad

3 carrots
Crackers and hummus 
1x nectarine 
Peanut butter sandwich 

1.5L water
1L soda water

Peanut butter pikelets. Yummy!

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