Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 14 - TWO WEEKS!

So two weeks in and I'm feeling.... ok. I feel like a bit of a fog has lifted from my mind, which is great though it is being overshadowed by headaches. I still have a couple of pimples on my face (putting down to my time of the month) and I don't think I've lost any weight, well my scales are sketchy so I may have but if so it's not overly significant.

I think an early or two are called for - and some exercise. Then I'm sure I will feel awesome.

What I ate:
porridge with mixed berries, long black

3x carrots, 2x apples

Quinoa, brown and black rice salad withsheep feta, green beans, beetroot

Snack - boiled egg

Mexican chicken with rice noodles and a beer

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